Incidence trends of type 2 diabetes, medication-induced diabetes, and monogenic diabetes in Canadian children

2017 - 2019 - Concluded

Shazhan Amed, MD, FRCPC, MSc.PH, Clinical Associate Professor, University of British Columbia, and paediatric endocrinologist, BC Children's Hospital; tel.: 604-875-2117; Fax: 604-875-3231;

Elizabeth Sellers, MD, MSc, FRCPC, University of Manitoba; tel.: 204-787-4351; fax: 204-787-1655;

Study results can be found in

CPSP 2019 Results

CPS News

Published papers

  • Incidence Trends of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Medication-Induced Diabetes, and Monogenic Diabetes in Canadian Children

    Incidence trends of type 2 diabetes mellitus, medication-induced diabetes, and monogenic diabetes in Canadian children, then (2006–2008) and now (2017–2019). Patel TJ, Ayub A, Bone JN, Hadjiyannakis S, Henderson M, Nour MA, Pinto TE, Wicklow B, Hamilton JK, Sellers EAC, Amed S. Pediatr Diabetes 2023; Article ID 5511049. doi: