Childhood Lyme disease

2014 - 2017 - Concluded

Joanne M. Langley, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Professor of Pediatrics and Community Health and Epidemiology, Dalhousie University, and Division of Infectious Diseases, IWK Health Centre, 5850/5980 University Ave., Halifax NS  B3K 6R8; tel.: 902-470-8141; fax: 902-470-7232;

Nicholas Ogden, BVSc, DPhil, Senior Research Scientist, Centre for Foodborne, Environmental and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Public Health Agency of Canada, 3200, rue Sicotte, Saint-Hyacinthe QC  J2S 7C6; tel.: 450-773-8521 ext. 8643; fax: 450-778-8129;

Study results can be found in

CPSP 2017 Results

CPS News

CPSP Highlights

Published papers

  • Lyme disease

    Lyme disease in children: Data from the Canadian Paediatric Surveillance Program. Ogden NH, Gasmi S, Koffi JK, Barton M, Lindsay LR, Langley JM. Ticks Tick Borne Dis 2020 Mar;11(2):101347. doi:


  • Surveillance for childhood Lyme disease by the Canadian Paediatric Surveillance Program (CPSP): Initial findings

    Ogden N, Barton M, Koffi J, leonard E, Lindsay R, Langley J. Canadian Paediatric Society Annual Conference, Toronto, in June 2015 (poster)